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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baserunning--Running to First

The first rule of baserunning is listen to your coach.

There will be a coach at first base, and at third base, telling you what to do. But there are some general rules. What you decide to do as a baserunner depends on how and where the ball is hit.

Lets start with the batter. You are up, taking some mighty hacks. You hit the ball hard and take off running. Put your head down and steam towards first base as fast as you can. DO NOT SLOW DOWN to stop on the base. You will be running through the base as fast as you can. Step on the bag, and veer to your right, towards the fence.

If you slow down to stop on first base, that gives the other team more time to throw you out. Remember, it's a race to the base.

Sometimes, though you may hit the ball really hard, and it might get through the infield. Keep your eye on your first base coach. If he yells at you to "take two!" or "go to second!" then keep running, take a wide turn, step on the first base bag and race to second base before they tag you out.

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